Family Promise is a tax‐exempt,
501(c)(3) charitable organization
EIN# 14-1971894

Everyone knows that we get back more than we give when we volunteer. Family Promise offers many opportunities to "be of service". We invite individuals with open hearts and minds to consider giving back to families in need. Your contributions in time and talent will be much appreciated.
We have immediate needs for:
- Day Center Attendants: 3-hour shifts, weekdays & weekends available
- Van Drivers: Provide guest transportation at 7:00 a.m. / 5:30 p.m.
- Daily Prayers: For families, volunteers, and staff
We have immediate needs for:
- Day Center Attendants: 3-hour shifts, weekdays & weekends available
- Van Drivers: Provide guest transportation at 7:00 a.m. / 5:30 p.m.
- Daily Prayers: For families, volunteers, and staff
We Are a Proud United Way Agency
United Way helps us help families in need. Please support the United Way Of Kootenai County.
Hospitality Network Volunteer
Hospitality Network Volunteers are the heart of our Hospitality Network. They provide a variety of services at the weekly Host Church - such as cooking, serving meals, transport services, and staffing during the night. If you attend a local house of worship that is participating in our Hospitality Network, consider joining the existing hosting program the next time your congregation is scheduled to host. Otherwise, consider enrolling your congregation in our Hospitality Network. Find out more about the functions of our Hospitality Network on our Host and Support Descriptions page.
Day Center/Community Volunteer
Family Promise is always looking for able volunteers to fill a variety of roles. Opportunities for service include working at the Family Promise Day Center, Special Events, and various fundraisers throughout the community. If you have a big heart and an open calendar, consider joining our family of volunteers. You can make a difference and it will be appreciated.
Most volunteer opportunities are listed and processed through the United Way Action Center. Volunteer FeedbackFamily Promise really does make a difference for families struggling with homelessness. I love being able to help in some small way.” Lauren Cuvala, Past- Fundraising Chair |
We need hands and hearts to facilitate the following activities: