Family Promise of North Idaho (FPNI) has finally gotten the mini-van we have wanted to supplement the passenger van. Our new guest vehicle is a 2000 Toyota Sienna purchased at Atlas Auto for $1989.00.
This is a two year story in the making! The staff at FPNI realized two years ago that it would benefit us and our guests to purchase a mini-van. It would benefit us by having a vehicle that saved on gas and the wear and tear of our larger van. More volunteers will be able to drive the mini-van as the larger van is a bit intimidating! It would benefit the guests by having a convenient van, that didn’t look institutionalized, to take the children to their schools and the adults to their appointments. We are starting the year with the 3 new churches recruited in 2013: Peace Lutheran, Prairie Avenue Christian Center and 1st Baptist Church. Our new host recruiting team is trained and setting appointments for our goal of adding 3 more this year. The impact on our families, the program and the community will be tremendous once our minimum of 13 host congregations is met. Our guests will be cared for by the congregations in the community each day of the year, and we will be able to guarantee that. This kind of stability is so important to their success. Money that is used for a week in a motel on those weeks we don’t have a church can be used toward guest education, tires for their cars and childcare while they are job hunting and so much more!!!! With a full network of churches, staff can work with the guests and on guest issues for success, rather than trying to find a place for families to be for a week. We are getting so close to this level of sustainability for guest shelter. What an amazing community!!! The Sixth Annual Wild Salmon Feast took place January 25, 2014 at Trinity Lutheran Church (TLC). It was sponsored by three Lutheran Churches in the Area: TLC, Lutheran Church of the Master, and St. Mark’s Lutheran. Roughly, 190 people enjoyed the dinner, featured music, silent and live auctions and a delicious dessert auction. Raised in the evening’s festivities was a net of just under $8,459. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is providing a $1000.00 match of the proceeds, for a grand total of $9,459.00 in support of FPNI mission to shelter, feed, and provide solutions to families in crisis. |
November 2015