Thank YouBy Teri Burch, Board President I would like to thank the entire board, staff, and volunteers for their help on making the 4th Annual Golf/Walk event a success. Your time, talents, resources, contributions and presence are invaluable and contribute to our ongoing efforts. When all pledges come in, we are anticipating a net of $15,000.00. This was no small feat. All of the board members helped in one way or another. Three of us began planning the event in February of 2015. Randall Henry had contacts with golf courses and he began investigating courses and pinning down a date. He also brought in new technology with Ocular Logic and an online registration site for both golfers and walkers. Brian Wright helped to tweak the registration process to fit FPNI website and we were off. Randall also had Scratch Hub available for golfers, another technology we have never used. He secured the Coeur d’Alene Resort Golf Course for our event Andy Paroni completed the sponsor packets to send out to potential sponsors and emailed the entire board a copy. Emails and texts were flying. As registrations began coming in on EventBrite, Mary Robinette kept track of participants and payments. Once a week, she sent out a report. Mike Irwin, Andy Paroni, Cindy Wood, and I went to a Golf Show; CdA Business Fair and the Post Falls Business Fair to promote the event. It is a huge task to get everything done for a large event and all the board members are busy people. But everything got done. We got sponsors for the event, prizes, and silent auction items. We ordered food, met with the resort, advertised the event; organized volunteers, organized the silent auction, organized walkers, got “swag” together to put in bags, organized golfers, got a credit card machine and a volunteer to run the machine. We donated time, laughter, tears, money, and in-kind items. Who are we? We are the board: Teri Burch, Randall Henry; Mary Robinette; Mike Irwin; Andy Paroni; Tim Frahm; Theresa Gibbons; and Evelyn Gaherty. We are the staff: Cindy Wood and Mary Beth Jorgensen. We are the volunteers: Brian Wright, Ali Miller, Tina Irwin; Heather Huber; Freda Campbell (and family); Kelly Peterson; and Lauren Clars. We are here to give
FPNI is holding their 4th Annual Golf and Walk Fundraising Event at the Coeur d’Alene Resort Golf Course Friday May 15, with a shot-gun start at 2:00 p.m. The walkers begin at 5:00 p.m. and dinner is at 7:00 p.m. There is also a silent auction!
This is a unique fundraiser because there are many ways you can participate. No matter what you choose, you will be helping support the mission of FPNI. Golf
Play a round of golf on the Coeur d'Alene Resort Course on the north shore of Lake Coeur d'Alene. You can sign up as a team (a foursome) or as an individual.
The fee per player is $150.00. Register Walk
Sign up to walk the course with others who do not golf but want to support FPNI. Enjoy the beauty of Coeur d’Alene’s unique golf course.
The fee per participant is $25.00. Register Donate
If attending the event isn't an option for you, please consider making a contribution to our fund drive by sponsoring your favorite golfer or walker.
Not comfortable donating online? Then write a check to FPNI for the amount you would like to contribute and in the memo area write GOLF and the name of the golfer or walker you would like to sponsor.
P.O. Box 3682 Coeur d’Alene ID 83816 Help promote this event
You can help raise the visibility of this event through facebook or twitter. You can also download our event flier and post it where you think others will see it. Thanks.
Our Fundraising So Far
This tracking tool is not linked to our event page. Therefore, the status updates must be applied manually. We will do our best to keep it as current as possible.
Thanks. Our goal is to raise $20,000 by May 16. Will you help us reach our goal? ![]() This past April, we celebrated our 6th year in North Idaho! This is a tremendous accomplishment given the economy we have been dealing with during this time. It is fundraisers like our 3rd Annual Golf and Walk Event that have made it possible for us to fulfill our mission. In addition to serving as a major source of needed income, the Golf/Walk Event is a terrific vehicle for bringing our supporters and their families together. The fact is, this pivotal event is just around the corner, on May 16, and we encourage everyone to join in! Go to our Event Coordinator Champion Events website for details on how to participate. This event makes a huge difference in providing the funds needed to sustain Family Promise as the safe and successful sheltering program that it has become. I was thinking about all the families we have served and putting together a few common traits. Each family brings strength and hope in the midst of crisis to our program, to our volunteers, to their own families. Our families are nurtured and encouraged, just by being accepted when they are in the worst point ever in their lives. Then, a transformation takes place once they see their situation changing while under the support of the network. The graduations we celebrate with families are designed to pause and celebrate triumph and blessing at a time when all seemed hopeless. This past month we have had two past guests volunteer for us, one graduate family donated office supplies, four families just called or stopped by to give us an update and say, 'thank you,' and one current family donated items they do not need during this transition time. Each month, we are reminded of the legacy our network is creating for families. Thank you, supporters, volunteers, and prayer warriors for your amazing work to provide amazing opportunities for families of Family Promise!
![]() Family Promise of North Idaho Golf and Walk is a significant funding source for our organization. Come join us in an exciting, one-day family-focused 18 hole scramble golf event with a family walk-a-thon. Location: Coeur d’Alene Public Golf Club Date and Time: Friday, May 16 The way it works is: You collect financial pledges from friends and family. Through your fundraising efforts, you help Family Promise sustain its life changing program for homeless families with children. The payback for you is knowing you have been of service to others. Not only that, you earn a free day of golf or afternoon walk for yourself. It's a win/win. Register Now or Contribute. Either way, your participation helps. Thanks. Find out more at Champion Events. ![]() ![]() Tuesday, April 15, at 5:30 p.m. at Paddy’s Sports Bar we will kick off our annual Golf and Walk event. Come join us for a taco buffet and no-host bar to register for this Champion Events golf fundraiser. We will have laptops available for online registration for both golfers and walkers. Friday, May 16, at Coeur d’Alene Public Golf Course, we will hold the Golf and Walk Event itself. We are looking for teams of four to play a scramble and fundraise. Not much of a golfer? Then, you can walk the course after the golf event. Either way, you can participate by collecting pledges for your effort. But beyond a fun evening of food, door prizes and fellowship, you can learn about Family Promise of North Idaho and how you can help raise funds to help with operational costs. |
November 2015